Structuring aid for established dance companies ​

General presentation

In recent years, the Luxembourg choreographic scene has developed considerably. Luxembourg now has a significant number of professional choreographers and companies.

The introduction of a structuring aid for dance companies is in line with the professionalization of the various cultural sectors pursued by the Ministry of Culture. ​ This aid scheme enables dance companies to obtain professional administrative and structural support so that they can concentrate on the creative process.

First launched in 2020, this aid, which was granted for three consecutive calendar years, comes to an end in 2022. Eight dance companies were selected and were able to become professional thanks to this support. The structuring aid will be renewed for the year 2023 and will also be granted for three consecutive calendar years. It should be noted that the renewal of the structuring aid is neither acquired nor automatic for companies that have benefited from this aid from 2020 to 2022.

This second phase (2023-2025) of support will contain two parts with different modalities ; the first is for companies that have already received structuring support in 2020-2022, the second is for companies that have not yet received structuring support. ​


With the objective of contributing to the professionalisation of the dance sector in Luxembourg, the structuring aid aims to support dance companies based in the Grand Duchy. ​ The aim of the structuring aid is to enable dance companies to set up a professional framework in terms of administration, public relations and dissemination in order to assert themselves in their professional artistic activity and to establish themselves in a visible and lasting way in the national choreographic scene and to ensure its reputation. ​

Scope of the aid scheme

This aid scheme is aimed at professional companies established in Luxembourg, directed by an artistic director, with a proven cultural base in Luxembourg, and constituted as a non-profit association in accordance with the amended law of 21 April 1928. The association must have an identified artistic approach, whose activity requires administrative reinforcement of the organisation and the means to carry out the projects.

The structuring aid is granted for three consecutive calendar years from 2023 to 2025. The maximum amount of support is EUR 30,000 per year per dance company, subject to the availability of budgetary appropriations for the current financial year [1]. Structuring aid takes the form of an agreement to be concluded between the Ministry of Culture and the beneficiary for a period of three years. The aid is paid annually in accordance with the regulatory terms of the agreement.


[1] However, when the nature or scale of the project justifies it, the Commission reserves the right to exceptionally exceed this amount. ​

Eligibility criteria for structuring aid

In order to be eligible, the company must :

  • be constituted as a non-profit association, in accordance with the amended law of 21 April 1928, before 1 st January 2020 ;
  • have a repertoire of at least three creations, including one long format (45-60 min.), signed by the artistic director;
  • have given at least two performances outside Luxembourg in the two years preceding the application. A letter of commitment from the partner, an assignment contract, a co-production contract or a residency agreement serve as proof.

And the director must, in addition, be able to  

  • have been continuously affiliated with the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg according to Article 1 of the Social Security Code for at least six months prior to the date of application for structuring aid ; ​
  • demonstrate a proven cultural anchorage in the Luxembourg artistic and cultural scene.

Conditions for the award of structuring aid for the years 2023-2025

For the period for which structuring aid is granted, the company undertakes to :

  • produce a new long format creation (ca. 45 to 60 minutes) to be presented in Luxembourg ; ​
  • enter into a partnership with at least one performance contractor outside Luxembourg to produce two performances, including the new full-length creation ;
  • give at least fifteen performances (new full-length creations and/or revivals of the repertoire) ;
  • submit annually to the Ministry of Culture an interim report in the form of an activity report and a financial report;  
  • use the subsidy only for costs related to the establishment of a professional administrative, production, public relations and dissemination framework;
  • mention the following text on its promotional materials : " conventionnée avec le ministère de la Culture " with the logo of the Ministry of Culture;
  • provide the Ministry of Culture with any information or document deemed necessary for the processing and follow-up of the file.


To benefit from structuring aid from 2023 onwards, the deadline for submitting an application is midnight on 15 April 2022 at the latest. No applications will be accepted after this date.

Practical arrangements

1) for dance companies that have received structuring aid for 2020-2022

The file submitted to the Ministry of Culture must include the following documents  

  • The information sheet, entitled " A " (Word, 362 Kb), duly completed; ​
  • a certificate of affiliation to the Social Security of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ;
  • a note of intent of the project with a provisional timetable following the conditions of the award and showing continuity with the years 2023-2025 ; ​
  • a three-year provisional budget, analytical and balanced, detailing in particular the costs relating to the artistic programme, all fees, communication costs and costs linked to professional support in terms of administration, public relations and distribution; ​
  • any other document that you consider useful to support your application. ​

2) for dance companies that have not benefited from the 2020-2022 structuring aid

The file submitted to the Ministry of Culture must include the following documents  

  • a letter of motivation with a description of the artistic approach and experience in the field of choreography (max. one A4 page) ; ​
  • the information sheet, entitled " N " (Word, 360 Kb), duly completed; ​
  • a certificate of affiliation to the Social Security of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg ;
  • the statutes of the association ;
  • an artistic curriculum vitae of the choreographer, company and dancers involved with a list of past activities  ​
  • a portfolio (artistic file) ; ​
  • a note of intent for the project with a provisional timetable in accordance with the conditions of the award (over three years, providing for at least one full-length creation, fifteen performances and a partnership with a performance contractor abroad. This partnership can be certified by a letter of intent or commitment from the partner, a signed transfer or co-production contract or a residency agreement);   ​
  • a three-year provisional budget, analytical and balanced, detailing in particular the costs relating to the artistic programme, all fees, communication costs and costs linked to professional support in terms of administration, public relations and distribution; ​
  • any other document that you consider useful to support your application. ​

Eligibility requirements and examination procedures ​

The application should be submitted to the Ministry of Culture by e-mail to ​

Only complete applications will be considered. ​ The compliance of the project with the eligibility criteria does not automatically lead to the granting of the aid applied for. ​

The agreements committee of the Ministry of Culture, which is made up of staff from the Ministry's cultural, financial and legal departments, assesses each application on the basis of its eligibility and, where appropriate, formulates an opinion on the granting of structuring aid and on the related amount. The Commission reserves the right to call on external experts. ​

The amount of aid awarded is defined according to the quality and topicality of the artistic approach, the budgetary management of the project, national recognition and establishment in international networks. The amount may not exceed EUR 30,000 per year. ​ (However, where the nature or scale of the project justifies it, the jury reserves the right to exceed this amount in exceptional cases.) ​

The Ministry will inform the applicant of its decision by post.


Ministry of Culture