Cultural institutions

State cultural institutes

Article 1 of the law of the 25th June 2004 on the reorganization of State cultural institutes recognizes the existence of seven State cultural institutes, with addition of the Centre national de recherche archéologique as an eight institute. Following the entry into force of the law of 25 February 2022 on cultural heritage, the number of State cultural institutes has now been increased to eight, and two of these cultural institutes have been renamed, namely the Service des sites et monuments nationaux (National Sites and Monuments Service), which has become the Institut national pour le patrimoine architectural (National Institute for Architectural Heritage), and the Centre national de recherche archéologique (National Centre for Archaeological Research), which is now called the Institut national de recherches archéologiques (National Archaeological Research Institute):

  1. Archives nationales;
  2. Bibliothèque nationale;
  3. Centre national de l'audiovisuel;
  4. Centre national de littérature;
  5. Musée national d'archéologie, d'histoire et d'art et Musée Dräi Eechelen;
  6. Musée national d'histoire naturelle;
  7. Institut national pour le patrimoine architectural;
  8. Institut national de recherches archéologiques.

Cultural organisations attached to the central state administration

In addition to the cultural institutes provided for by the law of 25th June 2004, the State entrusts the execution of specific cultural missions to the following public establishments:

Furthermore, the State entrusts the execution of specific cultural missions to the following cultural institutions and structures: