Support for the cultural sector

Bourglinster castle

Culture is an essential element for a democratic, modern, open, tolerant and supportive society.

In order to guarantee democratic access to culture, the State provides the public with a number of cultural institutions, both institutionalized and under contract, with the aim of offering an adequate cultural offer that meets the cultural needs of the various categories of our population.

Similarly, a main objective is to create the best framework conditions for artists and creative people to carry out their activities, to develop their creative potential and to realize their works in complete freedom and to enhance their own expression of life in society.

With this in mind, the state has put in place a range of measures and mechanisms to promote the knowledge society, the preservation of our memory, the support and mobility of artists and creators both nationally and internationally, local support for certain cultural projects and cultural training.

The Ministry of Culture can grant aid in the fields of mainly plastic arts, dance, literature, music, heritage, theatre and socio-cultural activities.

The Ministry's support can take several forms and varies according to the nature of the request.

Composition of the committees

The committees are responsible for advising the Minister for Culture.


Grants Committee

The Grants Committee is made up of officials from the Ministry of Culture's cultural and financial departments. It assesses each grant application according to the eligibility and assessment criteria for the applicant and the project.

The members of the advisory body are : Vesna Andonovic, Nadine Erpelding, Josiane Geisler, Alix Glück, Joé Haas, Josée Hansen, Claudine Hemmer, Cédric Kayser, Nathalie Kerschen and Sophie Lammar.

The committee is chaired by Nadine Erpelding.

Advisory Committee concerning a) applications for support grants for Self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers b) applications for grants to support artistic creation and the professional development of artists c) applications for bursaries for young artists.

The Advisory Committee receives and processes applications for support grants for self-employed professional artists and intermittent performers, as well as applications for grants to assist artistic creation and professional development, and applications for bursaries for emerging artists.

Its members are appointed by ministerial decree for a period of 3 years, and the commission is chaired by actor and director Marc Baum.

The current membership of the committee can be consulted here.

To find out more, you can consult the text of the amended Act of 19 December 2014 on 1) support measures for self-employed professional artists and for intermittent performers 2) the promotion of artistic creation (in french).