Announcement of the new board of directors of neimënster

Following confirmation by the Government Council, the Ministry of Culture is pleased to announce the new Board of Directors of the Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster (neimënster). The board took office on 15 December 2021.

The following persons have been appointed to the Board of Directors for a period of 5 years :

  • Ms Françoise Poos, civil society representative
  • Ms Magalie Tasch, project manager at the Ministry of Culture, representative of the supervisory ministry
  • Mr Joé Haas, project manager at the Ministry of Culture, representative of the supervisory ministry
  • Mr Patrick Sanavia, Director of the Service des sites et monuments nationaux, representative of the supervisory ministry
  • Ms Anne Negreti, Head of the New Works Division at the Public Buildings Administration, representative of the supervisory ministry
  • Ms Christine Walentiny, civil society representative
  • Ms Nicole E. Ikuku, civil society representative
  • Mr Michel Linden, First Inspector of Finance at the General Inspectorate of Finance, representative of the Minister in charge of the Budget
  • Ms Christiane Sietzen, municipal civil servant, City of Luxembourg, representative of the City of Luxembourg.

Ms Françoise Poos will act as President and Ms Magalie Tasch as Vice-President.

The Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster (neimënster) is a public establishment created by the law of 24 July 2001, under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture.



Ministère de la Culture