Self-employed professional artist

For self-employed professional artists who find it difficult to generate sufficient income on a regular basis to meet their basic needs, the State has put in place a system of social measures, which, under certain conditions, can help to overcome more difficult periods and - most importantly - allows the artist  to remain in artistic creation.

The State may grant the status of self-employed professional artist to artists whose professional activities involve the creation of cultural assets and the production of artistic performances. Once granted that status, artists are entitled to social aid benefits. The status of self-employed professional artist is granted for a period of 24 months. It may be renewed an unlimited number of times, provided of course that the artist continues to fulfil the legal requirements.

The amended law of 19 December 2014

  • on the social measures for the benefit of self-employed professional artists and intermittent workers in the entertainment industry
  • to promote artistic creation

makes some adaptations to the amended law of 30 July 1999, the main features of which are as follows:

  • by virtue of the community principle of equal treatment between European citizens, the residence condition is replaced by the obligation of registration to the Luxembourg social security system for at least 6 months prior to the request and involvement in the Luxembourg artistic and cultural scene.
  • according to the principle of equal treatment, artists and intermittent workers
    • are now subject to the same membership requirements;
    • are subject to income tax;
    • are entitled to financial aid linked to the monthly social minimum wage for skilled workers;
    • must prove that their artistic activity has generated an income amounting to at least four times the monthly social minimum wage for unskilled workers during the year preceding their request.
  • the period of activity is suspended during sick leave of more than one month, maternity leave or parental leave.


Ministry of Culture