
The range of competence of the ministry is fixed by the Government regulation.

The attributions are the following:

  1. National and international cultural policy - Protection of heritage - Promotion of artistic creation - Creative industries - Status of the independent professional artist - Status of the intermittent worker in the entertainment industry - International promotion of artists and cultural actors - Monitoring of regional cultural development - Architectural policy.
  2. Interministerial coordination in cultural matters - Higher Council for Music - National Book Council - National Literary Competition - Higher Council for Public Libraries - Commission for national heritage - Commission for the Supervision of Religious Buildings.
  3. Implementation and monitoring of the Kulturentwécklungsplang 2018-2028.
  4. Cultural agreements - Interregional cultural cooperation - Francophonie - Cooperation with UNESCO - Greater Region Cultural Space - Creative Europe Office.
  5. Coordination of the State's cultural institutes: National Archives, National Library, National Audiovisual Centre, National Centre for Literature, National Institute for Archaeological Research, National Museum of History and Art/Dräi Eechelen Museum, National Museum of Natural History, National Institute for architectural heritage.
  6. Relations with the Foundation Grand Duke Jean Museum of Modern Art, the Foundation National Museum of the Resistance, the Centre culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster, the Concert Hall Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte and the Centre de Musiques amplifiées.
  7. Relations with the Rotondes, the Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain, the TROIS C-L Centre de création chorégraphique luxembourgeois, Kultur| LX, the Institut Pierre Werner, the Institut européen des itinéraires culturels, the Agence luxembourgeoise d'action culturelle, the Institut grand-ducal and Esch2022.
  8. Relations with the National Cultural Fund and the National Support Fund for Audiovisual Production.


Ministry of Culture